Meiningen: What will become of Landsberg Castle

Steffen Seibel
Wed, 03/18/2020
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Germany, Meiningen. It is the most famous building in the small Thuringian town and is enthroned on a mountain in a fairytale setting: Landsberg Castle, former summer residence of the Dukes of Sachsen-Meiningen. After a sale in 2016, people are now worried about the future of the currently empty castle.

Thuringian castles and foreign investors - a rather difficult partnership in the past. But at the beginning everything still looked promising: The fairytale castle of the neo-Gothic era was to be extensively renovated and continued as a luxury hotel.

2016: Meininger Monuments Foundation sells Landsberg Castle

Until 2014 the castle in Landsberg was a renowned hotel and also a popular address for weddings. Recently, however, it has had to contend with strong fluctuations in turnover, as the MDR writes. With the sale, the foundation wants to push ahead with the renovation of other historic buildings in Meiningen. After several attempts, the castle was sold to the Chinese company "New Silk Road Ltd" based in Dubai. Schloss Landsberg, with its seven suites, 13 guest rooms, the castle restaurant and the knights' hall, was to reopen as a luxury hotel as early as 2017.

Landsberg Castle Meiningen

Like a fairytale: Landsberg Castle | Photo: Wolkenkratzer, wikipedia

2020: Fear of further speculation

Four years have now passed since the sale. Well-heeled guests from the Far East and the USA have so far failed to appear, as has the planned renovation. Instead, there is growing concern that Schloss Landsberg could become another problem property in Thuringia alongside Reinhardsbrunn. A water damage that occurred at the beginning of the year had to be taken over by the district of Schmalkalden-Meiningen itself. In addition, urgent work is needed at the castle to secure the building fabric. Despite a ban on entering the castle, uninvited guests are still gaining access to the remote castle.

The town of Landsberg and the district are now asking the Ministry of Culture for help: to prevent a situation like Reinhardsbrunn, Landsberg could, according to their ideas, be taken over by the state of Thuringia or the Central German Schlösserstiftung.

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Landsberg Castle was built in 1840 on the remains of a medieval summit castle as a summer residence for the Dukes of Sachsen-Meiningen in the style of English neo-Gothic. The executing architects were August Wilhelm Döbner and Carl Alexander Heideloff. It was used for gastronomic purposes from the 1960s until it was closed in 2013. Since the sale, the castle grounds have been closed off and not accessible to visitors.

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Comments (3)

Anne Bozem Guest #4
03/29/2024 19:48 | from Germany
Wir waren früher oft auf Schloß Landsberg zu Gast und bedauern sehr, daß es an chinesische Investoren verkauft wurde und nun wahrscheinlich dem Verfall preisgegeben ist.
Vielleicht sollte die Stadt Meiningen prüfen, ob das Objekt, wie im Falle Schloß Reinhardsbrunn, enteignet werden, in den Besitz der Stadt zurück übertragen und wieder zu einem renommierten und gerne besuchten Ziel werden kann.
Peter Guest #3
07/24/2022 09:50 | from Germany
Schloss landsberg ist ein Schloss mit viel geschichte die bis ins 11. Jahrhundert zurück reicht.
Es stellt sich die Frage warum dieses Historische Gemäuer langsam verfällt, laut Berichten die sehr spärlich sind Wasserschaden 2020 hielt sich in Finanziellen Grenzen.Berichten zur Folge schäden an den Wandmalereien welche so weit meine kenntnisse reichen aus Acht Motiven bestehern.
Ursache wahrscheinlich Mangelnde kenntnisse oder finanzielle Probleme um dies zu verhindern.
Derzeitige Eigentümer sind laut Berichten Chineschische Investoren mit Sitz in Dubai.
Es wundert mich das so wenig Resonanz und Besucherzahlen auf dieser Webseite sind.
Derzeit steht Schloss landsdberg ? ja oder nein Eigentümer derzeit Chineschische Investorengruppe gerne würde ich Kontakt mit ihnen aufnehmenb bzw. derzeiotigen Rechtsvertreter der investorengruppe.
Wenn Gewünscht bitte ich um Rückruf +493693 8851170


aus Thüringen
Chris Wilmar Guest #2
03/04/2022 09:18 | from Australia
I agree Max, It's inevitable that castles in private hands will eventually be sold, however, in the interest of national unity, their sale needs to be very closely vetted by the Central German Castle Foundation to safeguard their future and not just sold off for profit, especially to overseas consortiums, I personally don't believe, their heart and soul is in ownership. kind regards Chris Wilmar AIA
Max Schmidt Guest #1
02/23/2022 03:24 | from Germany
Man darf keine deutschen Schlösser an Investoren in China oder Dubai verkaufen mit der Hoffnung eigene Projekte im Denkmalbereich voran zu treiben. Deutschland ist so reich ,das braucht keine ausländischen Investoren, einfach mal Geld in eigene Projekte stecken und nicht auf der ganzen Welt verstreuen für Fragwürdige Sachen. Mich verbinden Kindheitserinnerungen an das Schloß Landsberg die ich meiner Tochter gerne zeigen wollte undicht das schönste Schloß meiner Erinnerung an Schlösser zu zeigen.Schade das heutzutage alles verscherbelt wird. Es zählen keine alten Werte mehr nur noch Profit und Kommerz.
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