Old Town Mansion in Porreres on Mallorca

Porreres, Almoina 6, Balearic Islands, Spain

2 170 350 USD
  1. EUR 2.100.000
  1. Manor House
  2. Constructed 1724
  3. Last modernization 2024
  4. Listed
  5. 540 m² Living space
  6. 10 Rooms
  7. 3 Bedrooms
  8. 4 Bathrooms
  9. 3 Floors

Renovated town mansion with three floors in the village of Porreras on Mallorca Island. 

It also includes a garage, patio and modern amenities such as air conditioning, gas heating and a private elevator. 

Please note the photos.

Legal info

Almoina 6
07260 Porreres, ES
Viktoria Lepina
Private seller
  • Updated
    3 days ago
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