Medieval castle in West Bohemia

Karlovarský kraj, Czech Republic

  1. Medieval Castle
  2. Constructed 1200

We offer for sale a fully functional early medieval Romanesque castle on the border of Bohemia, Bavaria and Saxony. 



On the border of Bohemia, Bavaria and Saxony, we offer for sale an ancient castle, one of the oldest castles in our territory. It is said to be the longest inhabited and oldest preserved Romanesque castle in our country. The first written mention of this impressive building is from the 12th century. It stands on a granite promontory above a stream and was previously distinct from the urban settlement by a moat, now filled in. It represents the most fully preserved Romanesque castle in the region, and like all Romanesque castles in the vicinity, which were not part of the Czech kingdom at the time of their creation, is related to contemporary German Stauf architecture.


Property description

The property consists of a forecourt (mansion), courtyard and castle and is separated from the local settlement by a moat with access via a stone bridge or stairs leading from the car park. The castle building has the shape of an irregular polygon with an entrance from the north side. Between the manor house and the castle stretches a yard bordered on one side by a house in which seven apartments were set up to accommodate guests, as well as a terrace used for dining, potentially as a background and space for concerts or open-air theater. The car parking under the castle can accommodate 40 cars and 9 caravans and a staircase leads from the car park to the castle courtyard.


The main castle building has been completely reconstructed. On the ground floor, in the Knight's Hall called ‚Hodovna‘, covered by vaults, there is a vast medieval banquet hall. On itś walls there are scenes from battles and religious events, medieval ornaments and paintings of the coats of arms of all the former owners of the castle. The kitchen and toilettes are also located here. On the second floor there is a representative hall, the Kingś hall, with depictions of all Czech sovereigns, princes and kings. This room continues the castle's tradition, as it was here in the past that important visitors were received and feted. Even now, it is used for hosting banquets, weddings, conferences and other social events. There is also a period-furnished room and toilets. The entire third floor is reserved for the museum of firefighting equipment. There is a wine cellar underground, and the 12th century Romanesque chapel now houses the castle museum. The impetus for locating the museum here was the discovery in the 20th centruy of the remains of a woman, whoś body was found walled up in a chimney shaft in ancient times. On the ground floor of the New castle building, which has undergone reconstruction, the Museum of Justice is installed in the premises of the original prison. A warehouse, as well as the Information center, which serves as a cash desk and sales focused on local handicrafts and books related to the history of this region and place. This particular building needs to be reconstructed and there is a plan to build 12 apartments with gym, changing rooms and wellness.


Architecture and Building History

The castle was built in the Romanesque style with elements of the Štauf architecture combining Romanesque and early Gothic forms and served as a ‚water castle‘. A two-wing castle in the style of baroque classicism was built in the forecourt much later, around 1783. The degree of preservation of the original Romanesque elements of the castle is absolutely unique and incomparable with other castles (or castle ruins). Over the centuries, the castle was only partially modernized and these modifications did not disturb its pure Romanesque architecture.



The first written mention dates from mid of 12th century and is one of the oldest in the Czech Republic. It was founded as a ministerial castle (this type of administration occurred only in the westernmost tip of Bohemia; the administration was entrusted to a minister from among the local patricians). Most of the medieval time the castle continued to be managed by the entrusted patrician families. After the Second World War, the castle and chateau were looted and nationalized. In 1985, the rescue of this important historical monument began, and since 1999 the castle is again in private ownership, repaired and made available to the public.


Possible uses

This property can be used as a stylish private residence, but other interesting options are also available. The spacious lower hall and the hall on the floor above it are ideal for organizing corporate events, private banquets or celebrations of important days and traditional holidays throughout the year. Both halls can accommodate up to 230 people. The underground wine cellar, used mainly for wine tastings, can accommodate 12 people. The renowned castle restaurant and museums can also continue to operate here. Concerts or theater performances can be organized in the courtyard between the two buildings, accommodation in the castle guesthouse offers 7 rooms with a capacity of 30 beds, and an Info center with a shop can remain on the ground floor of the reconstructed part of the castle building. In the part that is awaiting reconstruction, another 12 rooms, a wellness center, a dressing room, a gym and a lobby can be built. The area is connected to water supply, sewage, electricity and gas.

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