Palace in Czempiń

Pałac Czempiń, Czempiń

Palaces and manors in Greater Poland: Czempiń, kościański

Czempiń is a small town south of Poznań and is located between Mosina and Kościan. The palace in the middle of the town dates from the beginning of the 18th century and is a two-story baroque building with a strongly emphasized central risalite and two short side wings facing the courtyard side with distinctive facade decoration. It was a wedding gift from the castellan of Biachow Andrzej Szołdrski for the marriage of his son. A few years after its completion, the castle was severely damaged by fire as a result of the Great Northern War. During the subsequent reconstruction it received the decorated gables. The most recent reconstructions date back to the beginning of the 19th century. A terrace was added to the courtyard side and a balcony to the park side, which can be seen here.

Czempiń Castle is privately owned and is currently for sale. It has been rented out for cultural purposes and events in the recent past.

Beautiful baroque mansion in Poland: Czempiń
Pałac w Czempiniu: Front view

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