Manor with park and outbuildings near Baltic Sea

Leźno, Pałac w Leźnie 45, Pomeranian Voivodeship, Poland

USD 4 262 122
  1. PLN 16 500 000
Exempt from property tax 
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The following information provides an overview and may vary.

Property tax
Changes to the tax exemption and regulations may occur depending on use. For further information, please contact the seller.
  1. Castle
  2. Listed
  3. 1 309 m² Usable area
  4. 52 178 m² Plot size

The University of Gdańsk announces the sale of a historic property and invites the submission of purchase offers. The property is a palace with a park and ancillary building located in Leźno, Żukowo Municipality, Pomeranian Voivodeship (formerly Rittergut Klein Leesen manor in Pomerania).


The property with the land registry number GD1R/00034587/8 includes:

  • Plot No. 99/25 with an area of 52,178 m²
  • Buildings:
    • Palace building with an area of 1,309 m²
    • Ancillary building with an area of 664.90 m²
    • Surrounding park with associated infrastructure (pavilions, paths, linden avenue, parking lots)


The purchase price for the property is negotiable.


Written offers specifying the price, in accordance with the "Regulation and Information on the Sale of the Property with Palace and Park Complex in Leźno, Żukowo Municipality, Kartuzy County, Pomeranian Voivodeship," should be submitted in person or by post with the note "Pałac w Leźnie" to the address:


University of Gdańsk
ul. Bażyńskiego 1a
Room 303
80-309 Gdańsk


As the seller, the University informs that according to Article 26hb of the Act of July 26, 1991, on Personal Income Tax, there is the possibility of benefiting from a tax deduction for monuments.

Further information can be obtained on-site at the above-mentioned office or by phone from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm at:


+48 58 523 24 94, extension: 64


The University of Gdańsk reserves the right to:

  • Withdraw the sale of the property at any time without giving reasons,
  • Change the terms of the property sale, and
  • Conduct individual negotiations with selected parties and freely choose the offer.


For more information and participation conditions in Polish, please find them here:

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